Welcome to our updated website. Although fundamentally it is the same, there are a few subtle changes throughout to make the website run smoother and your experience better.
We have added the following improvements;
- SSL – you will now see our website is secure, identified by the padlock next to the URL. Meaning you can interact and order in confidence.
- New URL – historically our website has been under team-hope, which signifies where it came from. But in a bid to have cleaner website addresses and emails, we are now simply hopetrailfestival.co.uk. Our other site will remain live and be accessible from hope24.co.uk until the end of August to allow those undertaking the Virtual Hope to finish.
- Checkout – we have moved away from PayPal to Stripe. This means we can now accept Apple Pay on compatible devices.
- Updated Ticketing App – we have upgraded the ticketing system to allow the registration to make the data handling easier. You won’t see any major changes except there are fewer race entries in the shop as they now use variable ticketing so you can simply select what ticket type from the same item.
We hope you like the new subtle changes and will gladly listen to ideas for additional content.